Monday, November 1, 2010

I am back. I have been enjoying the last of the summer and also learning to use the Blender 3d modelling software. There are so many good video tutorials on Blender that learing the software is relatively easy. I have managed to get up to level of confidence where I can produce a reasonable model and render it. Now the challenge of practice, practice and practice begins. So the focus of this blog may shift in that direction.

This is a render of a 3d model of a wall fountain that I created. At first glance it is photo-realistic, but it still could use some improvements. I am pleased with the result however.

One of the nice things about open-source software is the level of support available in various forumns. Model files are freely shared and improved on. The level of ingenuity and creativity displayed in the way Blender is used is truly impressive.

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